• For the Breast of Us


    Our mission is to empower women of color affected by breast cancer to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives through education, advocacy and community.


New Normal
Jasmine Dionne Souers

Three easy ways to be a breast cancer advocate

Being a breast cancer advocate starts at home by advocating for yourself and can expand as you become comfortable sharing your story and even connecting your community to resources that have helped you along the way. You don’t need access to anything or anyone special.

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Melinda Hanson-Perry

How breast cancer taught me to S.E.L.F. Love

I wasn’t quite sure of what that really meant because somehow I always thought love was supposed to come from somewhere or somebody else. But during my treatments, I came to realize I could love myself more. I could love the me that was hairless, weak and scared just as much as I could love the me who is fierce, strong and driven.

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