Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
Living your life with your outward appearance so entrenched in your personal identity can make for extreme emotional issues when cancer takes your hair from you.
Living your life with your outward appearance so entrenched in your personal identity can make for extreme emotional issues when cancer takes your hair from you.
We need to knock and kick down every door possible to let politicians know that this is unacceptable. Money does not need to be spent on making people aware of cancer – we do not need sunglasses and pop sockets and hats and pins.
We need research that produces real results!
I felt invigorated. I felt inspired. I felt SEEN. I had never been in a situation where I was surrounded by so many kick ass women. They had all been through what I was going through, and that was powerful for me.
Too often there ends up being a racial disparity which creates a cycle – we don’t see other Hispanics, African Americans, or any other people of color involved, so we don’t participate. We end up losing out on programs because there aren’t enough of us willing to be the first and break that barrier.
I’m here to tell you after two years of black, rigid, broken and weak nails, I think I’ve found the secret!
Breast cancer helped me to really understand why flight attendants tell you to put your oxygen mask on first before you help anyone else.
No one prepares you for a broken vag when you’re 40 and diagnosed with breast cancer.
Your voice, your story, and your support can make a difference. Join For the Breast of Us in our mission to empower, support, and advocate for women of color across the globe. Together, we can create a future where every woman has the resources and support she needs to overcome breast cancer.
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