Hey Baddies, I have truly missed you all!
Between COVID and #BlackLivesMatter, the world will never be normal again.
Compounded with our battle against breast cancer and the “new normal” it’s brought to our lives, the times we face can seem super stressful and overwhelming.
To be honest, even I have felt stressed lately. I found myself in this space of wanting to stay present regarding matters directly affecting us, and becoming so consumed with things that are out of my control to the point I feel paralyzed and hopeless. Prayer has definitely helped me regain hope and to center myself. In fact, prayer has always been one of my favorite beauty practices. Another one of my favorite beauty practices for a prolonged state of calm is masking.

Much like how facial masks are emphasized to reduce the spread of the virus, skin care masks can remedy or reduce skincare concerns. Usually, when applying a mask, the directions suggest leaving the mask on the skin for 10-20 minutes. It is during these moments that we can break away from our social media feeds inundated with updates, be it tragic or social progress. Stress can wreak havoc on us inside out, especially if we don’t take some time to be still and breathe deep. And what is 10-20 minutes a couple of times a week to reduce stress, which also reduces the appearance of aging, fatigue, and frustration on our faces?
So first, let’s discuss masks and their purpose.
Overall, masks address a variety of skin types or skin concerns. Common factors masks can treat are unevenness in texture or tone, signs of aging, dryness, or excess oil. All of which a Baddie may experience during or after treatment.
Now, let’s break it down to performance ingredients when shopping for what mask is best for you:
This is the top concern Baddies share with me in my DM! If you are experiencing dryness and irritation, a hydrating mask may work best. Some key ingredients to shop for would be hyaluronic acid, algae, ceramides, and even honey for dryness. For irritation, look for key terms on the packaging like oat, chamomile, rose, aloe, and even cucumber. Most hydrating masks are even safe for daily use and are suitable for sensitive skin types. I particularly enjoy masks that have botanical bits in them or that are infused with natural calming scents (ie essential oils). I feel little things like this make it extra luxurious and induce relaxation.
Uneven Texture and Tone
Unevenness in texture is also a common concern, no matter the fairness or deep hue of a Baddie’s complexion. Texture concerns can be flaking from dryness or breakouts from product buildup on the skin. Sometimes if the skin is overstimulated, it can even create unevenness in the skin tone.
Key ingredients to address these concerns would be chemical exfoliants such as AHAs and BHAs. PHAs are the gentlest form of chemical exfoliants offered in skin care products and is what I recommend most. Other common chemical exfoliants are glycolic, or lactic acid. Some popularly known ingredients for skin tone unevenness are vitamins C and E, and niacin.
Aging Concerns
Almost every Baddie and Beauty I have met, desires youthful skin! The key to youthful skin is using the appropriate products for your skin type and consistency. In addition, some masks can be used to assist with age prevention and even age reversal. Whether you are at a local drug store or your favorite beauty store, here are key terms you should be shopping for this concern.
Vitamin A, also known as retinol, is the best-known performance ingredient for aging concerns! *I urge that when you shop for this ingredient, you look for product lines that cater to sensitive skin as sensitivities increase for the Baddie completing chemotherapy treatments.* Some other active ingredients are caffeine, ferulic acid, and even some of the aforementioned hydrating ingredients. Why hydrating? Well, think of a grape. It is juicy and plump! When it is dry, it is a raisin. Your skin works similarly. As long as your skin is hydrated, it will be plump and overall youthful!
Now treatment or not, this is also a highly fussed about skin type that everyone wants to remedy. The most dangerous and common method I have heard people use to get rid of oil is with rubbing alcohol. Please do not do this! Instead, try masks that can remedy excessive oil production that contains bentonite, charcoal, or salicylic acids. These very popular ingredients have been proven over the years to clarify the skin and control oil. Other ingredients to look out for are tea tree, saw palmetto, and willow bark. Most masks that best resolve this skin type come in clay textures.

Baddies, know that you can cocktail your masks, applying them to different areas of your face to meet specific concerns all at once. Please note that masks may not have all the recommended performance ingredients in the same product. These are suggested key terms to shop that may address your concerns. Also, be mindful of using the products as directed. Doing so will ensure proper results and minimize the possibility of worsening any concerns.
I hope this encourages you to look at masks differently, despite the times we face. May you create a sacred time to beauty and breathe. Let your beauty time remedy your immediate personal concerns while the world creates positive new policies to address ours as a collective.
Be well Baddies!