Meet Kameelah Robinson

Kameelah Robinson, AKA Kam, is a 38 year old native of North Carolina. She was diagnosed with Stage III Breast Cancer on April 2, 2019. She was later diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer the day before her birthday, December 12, 2019. Kameelah is a bold, talented and fierce woman who does not look at cancer as a curse but a blessing. Sounds crazy right? Kameelah has turned this negative into a positive by learning to truly love her self. She has embraced this journey and allowed it to force her to be the DOPE woman that she was meant to be. Fear has never been and will never be an option. Kameelah thrives on encouraging other women, researching and learning about breast cancer and maintaining her beauty inside and out. Kameelah loves makeup and has a sharp eye for fashion. Kameelah loves to cook, enjoys spending time with her family and has began a fitness and healthy living journey. Kameelah is excited to share her journey with others.