Meet Ginny Shudlick

In late March of 2019, I felt a small lump in my right breast. There was no pain, just a hard little bump. I thought it was probably nothing. Fast forward a few weeks later and I was diagnosed with ER/PR+ HER2-, Stage I, Grade 2, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. My treatment consisted of a bi-lateral mastectomy without reconstruction, chemotherapy, and radiation. After I completed active treatment in early 2020, I found the energy to focus on something other than myself, and I am now channeling my energy into advocacy and education – allowing me to find some purpose from my cancer experience. I am using my voice, my body, and my brain to bring attention to disparities in breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes between white women and women of color, and to normalize flat closure options after mastectomy.

Flat, but Make it Fashion

This body got me through cancer, and I am proud of it. By being vocal and sharing my story and images I hope that surgery without reconstruction becomes less of an outlier, and more of a viable choice for young women.

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