Meet Daniela Montoya-Barthelemy

Daniela Montoya-Barthelemy is a queer Chicana from a small town in northern New Mexico currently living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her mom died of breast cancer when Daniela was almost 9-years-old and her mom was almost 45. In September 2020 Daniela was diagnosed with Stage III invasive lobular carcinoma. She had two children that were 3 and 5-years old at the time. Though this breast cancer has been proven to run in her extended family, there hasn’t been a genetic component identified by medical research.

Daniela’s business, Mama Sin Vergüenza, was born out of her first son’s birth and her passion for social justice as well as sexual, reproductive, and holistic health. The services offered reflect her gifts in balancing strategic health research with holistic modalities of care. Through extensive training over the last 6 years Mexican Traditional Medicine and somatic practices have become the twin pillars of her service offerings. Daniela aims to support individuals navigating the life and death cycles around reproduction and trauma transmutation. She loves getting into the nitty-gritty academics around public health research and enhancing it with ancestral knowledge and intuition. Daniela is using the platform of her business to speak up about the arduous journey of breast cancer treatment, the health disparities in the medical industrial complex, and holistic and traditional ways to support one’s mind and body throughout treatment and after.

My 6 Favorite Ways to Release Shame

Shame has been used to control the minds and bodies of Black, Indigenous, and all People of Color since colonization. It has been passed from one generation to another in many different ways…Life is too short and too difficult to carry around the extra baggage that comes from shame.