• For the Breast of Us


    Our mission is to empower women of color affected by breast cancer to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives through education, advocacy and community.

    Biotin might be your new best friend

    Chemotherapy, estrogen blockers, and now menopause, have done a number on my hair, skin, and nails. I don’t think many doctors think it’s something necessary to address (provided there’s no major issues), and their goal is to get you the proper treatment that produces positive results, side effects be damned.

    I especially suffered the most with my nails – I hated people seeing them blackened from treatment and was told not to wear nail polish because the nurses wanted to be able to see any issues with them. Getting your nails “summer ready” isn’t high on anyone’s list of priorities.

    For the most part, I’ve figured out how to deal with changes in my hair (thickening products are a godsend) and skin (it was always crazy oily but is now completely normal), but my nails refuse to get back on track. I am constantly washing dishes, wiping surfaces and going ham on hand sanitizer.  I haven’t had a cold or cough in almost three years because I keep my hands as clean as possible, but it does come at a cost. I have to keep my nails super short because they break and split, not that they grow that much anyway. And getting them professionally done? Forget about it!

    I’m here to tell you after two years of black, rigid, broken and weak nails, I think I’ve found the secret – Biotin! Now, am I telling you to run right out and start taking copious amounts of it? No, because I am not a medical professional. What I am telling you is to run right out and talk to someone who is.

    I am just finishing up sixty days of 5000 mcg organic, vegetarian, soy-free Biotin. It has given my nails new life! Not only are they growing, but they’re strong too. I’m still too afraid of germs to get them professionally done, so when I do them at home I make sure to use both a base and top coat with strengthener.

    If you have issues with your nails because of treatment and/or medications, ask your doctor about taking Biotin as a dietary supplement. I hope it works for you as well as it’s worked for me!

    One Response

    1. Dark nail polish saved my nails during treatment. I did continue to go to the nail salon, with my own tools of course. The purpose of the dark nail polish is to reduce light from penetrating the nail bed. Will it work for everyone(?) I don’t know, but I’m grateful it worked for me. Also, only use non-acetone polish remover.

      Saundra Turner
      Triple Positive Survivor

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